Kbman has found the most pointing in one video game screenshot EVAR!
Posted by Shawn Handyside on July 1, 2008 · 12:16 PM |
Categories: Elite Beat Agents, Nintendo, Pokémon, Sega, Sonic the Hedgehog, StarFox, Super Mario Bros, Super Smash Bros, Too Much Free Time, Wii · Leave a comment () 26 Comments |
Great pic.
I hav’t seen a good GTFO pic since the optimus prime one
Needs more Phoenix Wright…
Too many images, wrong font.
The snorlax sticker is the best part. Honestly you could put GTFO over just that pic and it’d be epic.
I find it funny
Because its a good use of the sticker feature!
but yes
Phoenix Wright is needed here
We need moar Elite Beat Agents.
I’d like to point something out… oh wait, they already did that.
peppy is all LOOSR!!
I agree with worksforme.
forgot captain falcon… tisk tisk =D
Needs work, but still fairly good!
The Phoenix Wright quotient in this picture is sadly lacking. I’m afraid I’m going to have to kill you with my mind for this obscene omission, Kbman, sorry.
Nazi scumbags have gotten to our video games! DON’T HH!
should put “Enjoy Your AIDs!!!”
Did … did I just create the Elite Beat Agents category?
*Please observe my avatar at this time*
*Happy Dance*
@ Robin:
Hai faive!
indeed you did Kbman! grats!
Setsuna and Mah boi beat me to it.
A few people already said this, but why no Phoenix Wright?
Commander Kahn would be fine just by himself. Agents are GTFO!
I’ve got a finger. It ends in a point.
Pointy, pointy, pointy. Pointy, pointy, point.
Notice the stupidness hidden in these sentences. It was stupidly hidden inbetween the stupid letters stupidly.
y so negative its one image from one vidjagame, and complaining about font is a little bit too pedantic, but not in the good, sarcastic way
does GTFO stand for Get the fuck out?
because that would work because they’re all pointing.
To the poster above me: Google it.
someone should put this pic on something private so …… yea