Jacob Allen testing the theory that you don’t need the armor in Halo, because no one will shoot at a naked guy.
Posted by Michael Moore on May 26, 2008 · 9:58 AM |
Categories: Awkward Moments, Bad Ideas, Bungie, Fashion Faux Pas, Halo, Microsoft, Xbox 360 · Leave a comment () 40 Comments |
Just…Whoa ._.
(i rly want to noe how to do that weird eyes symbol lol)
@_@ Awesome!
Makes the Spartan armor look like its attached to a spandex suit, funny ^_^
First time I’ve lol’d in a while. GOOD JORB! ^w^
no dude, no…
I’m almost afraid to ask how this happened…
To think…somewhere in Standoff, there is the OTHER naked bungie official…
i lol’d. someone try to tackle him~!
Haha! Now that’s hawt!
he must be in that hog on the hill :U!
WE’RE GOING STREAKING!!!! We’re going through the quad, into the gymnasium
o.o lets see the spartan who did this….
Hehe… kinda reminds me of Order of the Stick…
“The less you wear, the less visible you are…”
Hes rapinz meh!
@ smashpro1
lol, I was just thinking of that!
I want me two bowls of food to be my friend, I want to go dancing NAKED!
That is actually really convincing… 5/5
5/5 Great pic, great caption.
I really wanna know, but I’m also kinda afraid to ask how…
Considering how pale Master Chief is (I’m pretty sure the books mention this) maybe if he was naked he would literally blind his opponents on his unnaturally reflective torso.
If someone else put it on do their shields double?
@ Ryumaru
“Wooooo! I’m Invisible!! You can’t see me!”
puts it on*
Oh hello sir. You seem to have lost you armor.
@Captain Random
Please cast Blindness on me!
Bitch I’ll cast Bad Breath on your ass!
Uhh I cast Detect Trap. I roll to see if I detect any traps. OMG! IT’S A TRAP! I send the wizard in first.
Red makes more sense than this pic.
I guess I really wouldn’t “Cast” Detect Trap, but whatever.
damn you michael moore!!!
why is this under bad ideas? this is totally a good idea.
Now a spartan in his Birthday Suit would look wierd, All the covenant would be like” WTF iz you doin?” and the spartan would say “Being non-conformist”
@The Silent One
Oh Yeah? Evard’s Black Tentacles of Forced Intrusion!
Streakin’ followed by some teabaggin’. :p
Lol, epic.
My joke(s) for this lul have been taken. lol
@ Bulletproof Moon
GIR:…And a table made of cheese, and a chair made of cheese.
SANTA:Oh my gawd I can’t take it anymore!!
ZIM:My little child luvs yooo and NOW GIR! Quickly! Before anyone notices! Back to the lab!!
I always though it was bottle of glue, not bowls of food. Oh, well
i can just see a team slayer, red team verse blue team going full force, when suddenly a player goes streaking across the battle field and everyone pauses and watches. then someone headshots him because his shield is down. maybe they all corpse hump him. maybe we never talk of it again.
how to do the ultimate tea-bag in halo, 1)kill some one 2)take off armour 3)TEABAG!!!