Paulrus found Kirby doing some… undercover work.

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Posted by Shawn Handyside on February 22, 2008 · 1:12 PM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (76 votes, average: 3.67 out of 5)
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Bad Ideas, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Nintendo, Super Smash Bros, Wii

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10 Responses to “YOU WANT?”

  1. Kevinbaconkid on February 22nd, 2008 2:43 pm

    Well Kirdby has already absorbed him, now he must just a little bit extra….

  2. Harrod Tasker on February 22nd, 2008 3:09 pm

    Here’s one that would have been funny. Keep D.K. in that pose, and have Kirby doing his charged punch to the back of his head. Caption:


  3. lolhax on February 22nd, 2008 6:37 pm


  4. LMAO on February 22nd, 2008 8:22 pm


  5. LMAO on February 22nd, 2008 8:31 pm

    That’s not what diddy’s absorb looks like

  6. roflcopter on February 23rd, 2008 12:29 pm

    isn’t that DK’s absorb?

  7. Bushido on February 23rd, 2008 2:35 pm

    This is messed up on so many levels.

    over 9000 to be exact.

  8. Ryumaru on February 23rd, 2008 2:43 pm

    AAAAAAIIIGH! My eyes! My eyes! They burn so much! AAAAAARRRRG! (flops to ground trying to claw out eyes.)

  9. SPAZTICK WOLF on February 25th, 2008 9:41 am

    diddy has Nintendo hat

  10. killercartoons on February 25th, 2008 3:10 pm

    kirby has to prove his stuff now….

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