[VIDEO] I Wanna Be a Pirate
February 2, 2013 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Cray-Z Crossovers, Drugs & Alcohol, LucasArts, Monkey Island, PC, Pirates, Playstation, Team Fortress 2, Valve Software, Video Clips, Xbox 360
You could basically make the entire Monkey Island series in SourceMod and I could live with it. By Callegos Yavolitak
[VIDEO] The Wii Didn’t Start the Fire
December 15, 2010 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Accessories, Activision, Arcade, Atari, BioWare, Blizzard, Bomberman, Bungie, Call of Duty, Capcom, Castlevania, Christmas, Donkey Kong, Doom, Dreamcast, Duke Nukem, Electronic Arts, Fallout, Final Fantasy, Gameboy, Genesis, God of War, Grand Theft Auto, Guitar Hero/Rock Band, Half-Life, Halo, ID Software, Kingdom Hearts, Kirby, Konami, LucasArts, Mario Kart, Mass Effect, Maxis, Mega Man, Metal Gear Solid, Metroid, Microsoft, Monkey Island, Mortal Kombat, Musical, N64, Neo Geo, NES, Nintendo, Nintendo DS, Oregon Trail, Pac-Man, PC, Playstation, Pokémon, Political, Pong, Prince of Persia, Rare, Red Ring of Death, Resident Evil, Retro, Sega, SimCity/The Sims, SNES, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sony, Space Invaders, Square Enix, Star Wars, Starcraft, StarFox, Super Mario Bros, Super Smash Bros, Systems, Tetris, The Legend of Zelda, Things Are Heating Up, Tomb Raider, TV Shows, Ubisoft, Uncategorized, Video Clips, Wii, Williams/Midway, World of Warcraft, Xbox 360
Should it worry me that this song sums up my entire life in four minutes? Nah…
By PopeFriction, submitted by KHPandaZ and smashpro1
December 15, 2010 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Fists of Fury, Health & Fitness, LucasArts, Monkey Island, Nintendo, PC, Pirates, Playstation, StarFox, Wii
Huh, I was just thinking how I hadn’t seen much of O’Donnell recently. Looks like he took a vacation down to the Caribbean!
By Victory63
[HALOLZWEEN] 2010 Contest Entries
October 31, 2010 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under 2K Games, Artistic, Backstab, BioShock, Blizzard, Bungie, Castle Crashers, Contests, Cosplay, Creepy/Spooky, Disgaea, Disguises, Earthbound, Eidos, Electronic Arts, G-g-g-ghost!, Gentlemen, Halloween, Halo, Heavy Weapons, Holidays, Kid Icarus, Kingdom Hearts, Kirby, Konami, LucasArts, Maniac Mansion, Metal Gear Solid, Microsoft, Minecraft, Monkey Island, Movies, Namco, News, Nintendo, Pac-Man, Photo Op, Pirates, Pokémon, Portal, Retro, Robots, Rockstar, Sega, Sneak Attack, Sonic the Hedgehog, Stabbey Stabbey, StarFox, Stealth Espionage, Strike A Pose, Super Mario Bros, Swordplay, Team Fortress 2, The Behemoth, Ubisoft, Uncategorized, Valve Software, World of Warcraft
The entries are in! Behold this year’s crop of video game themed pumpkins!
#1 – The Original Ghost Pump-kemon by Daniel Potvin
#2 – This is Halloween! by Tom Palmen
#3 – Homeworld by ceemdee
#4 – Sonic/Knuckles Pumpkin by LeeFlippinGreene
#5 – The Cake Is A Lie by Cubetony Licciardi
#6 – inb4 “who?” by TCC
#7 – Blue Knight by Kryfus
#8 – Gengar by CornballCoder
#9 – Pumpkin-Trap by Tom Palmen
#10 – Beyond Good & Evil by ceemdee
#11 – In Disguise Zoom by David Roy
#12 – I was told we would be carving pumkin! by ChimpoDelFuego
#13 – Prinny by kitamoo
#14 – King Boo by Sussi
#15 – Syndicate by ceemdee
#16 – Day of the Tentacle by ceemdee
#17 – Slimer by Sussi
#18 – Kirby’s Epic Yarn: Pumpkin “Patch” by BBeast
#19 – Spy Carvin My Pumpkin? NOPE by Tabetha Morango
#20 – Red Dead Redemption by ceemdee
#21 – Duskull by Ashley Randall
#22 – Hitman by ceemdee
#23 – GLaDOS Cake Core and Curiosity Core by LadyFiede
#24 – PumpKoffin’ (Pumpkin Koffing) by GengarKing
#25 – Creeper by ceemdee
#26 – Mr. Bubbles by Gene Cole
#27 – The Cake is a Lie… The Pumpkin is not. by Aaron “Ace” Hinds
#28 – Reaper and Reapette by Sussi
#29 – Pacman and Ghosts by Nick and Molly
#30 – Halo: Reach Haunted Helmet by Nick Everson
#31 – Fox McCloud by A Random Person
#32 – Old Snake takes out an Enemy Soldier by suicid3clutch
#33 – Max Payne 2 by ceemdee
#34 – Pokéball by ChimpoDelFuego
#35 – Oddworld by ceemdee
#36 – The Isshu starters, all dressed up for Halloween! by Bridgette Rockette
#37 – No King Rules Forever by Artais
#38 – The Orange Spy by ChimpoDelFuego
#39 – DeathSpank by ceemdee
#40 – Castle Crashers Animal Orb Rammy by Nick
#41 – Dungeon Keeper by ceemdee
#42 – Costume Quest by ceemdee
#43 – Guybrush by ceemdee
Man, what a great turn out this year! I tip my hat and monocle to all of you folks who sent in these awesome entries! And don’t forget, be sure to keep checking back during the course of today (Halloween day) as we announce this year’s winners! Stay tuned!
[CONTEST] The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition
June 27, 2010 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Contests, Games, LucasArts, Monkey Island, PC, Pirates, Retro, Uncategorized
Hey remember when we had that Halo Reach beta code giveaway a while back? Well we’ve got another giveaway for you fans of classic adventure games, ghost pirates and three headed monkeys!
We have two copies of The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition (for Steam on the PC) to give away, and to enter all you have to do is follow @Halolz and @StacMasterS on Twitter and tweet the following:
I've entered to win a copy of Monkey Island:SE by following @Halolz and @StacMasterS! Follow both and retweet this for two chances to win!
Copy and paste that in a tweet, and you’ll have two chances to win! We’ll be picking the winners at the end of Monday!
Good luck!