And that’s why it’s finally the year of Luigi.
By Luke Humhris
Posted by Fred "Trunks" Wood on October 3, 2013 · 1:00 PM |
Categories: Backstab, Lucky Day, NES, Nintendo, Now We're Cookin', Super Mario Bros · Leave a comment () 42 Comments |
*whistles innocently* *opens up browser and opens his usual websites* *looks at Halolz*
*closes monitor* *goes into the corner and starts rocking back and forth in the fetal position*
So that's where he gets those skeleton keys.
Luigi wins! Luigi number one!
Luigi finally snapped.
Mario's neck, that is.
All aboard the NOPE train to FUCKTHAT-ville.
[youtube X_7dIDAZ1Oo rel="nofollow"> youtube]
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What. The. Shit.
That's cool I didn't need to sleep tonight.
Thanks Trunks
this is totally laughable!
Ha ha ha…
(I'm laughing to suppress the atmosphere of disturbance.)
Hi guys what did I mi--
[youtube LleBj6Q-Zng rel="nofollow"> youtube]
It's just paint. It's just paint. It's just paint! It's just paint!!!
"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeere's-a Weegee!"
Okay, something was deeply morbid and disturbing here and I want everyone to know that it was not my fault for once!
I mean, different parent companies, and it's more Silent Hill than Resident Evil anyways.
Besides, my sociopathy is cheeky and fun. This sociopathy is cruel and tragic. Which I suppose puts it more in line with actual sociopathy. Evil sociopathy!
Well…that…was…disturbing…on a happier note:
I donated to both Shantae: 1/2 Genie Hero AND Mighty No.9 now…I'll be in the credits.
I'm so happy that they made it to the Ninja and Patricia Wagon costumes. Now I want to play as Bolo and RottyTops. I also now need to figure out 1001 ways to make Ramen and Mac & Cheese more nutritious cause that's what I'll be eating for the next couple months. God only knows what this will do to my bowels…
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Is this a subliminal message for what you did to Shawn?
If only Dr. Mario hadn't forgotten to fill Luigi's prescription… :(
I think the best part for me is I was staring at it a bit before thinking "Wait, what's that smeared on the mirror? Oh, rust."