Some video game heroes are just tougher than others.
By Chickenfoot117

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Categories: Bethesda, PC, Playstation, Rockstar, The Elder Scrolls, Uncategorized, Weak Points, Xbox 360 ![]() · Leave a comment () 70 Comments ![]() |
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To be fair this version of Max Payne has also given up on life he just happens to have a job to do, as does the guard, who honestly has more depth than the 3rd iteration of Max Payne.
Poor guard, he just has a low self-esteem. See, they didn't see him as much of a threat, so they saw no need to headshot him… (;_;) I feel you, man.
Well obviously he was able to do that because…
<img src="http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m59cqs3Gdl1qdpw37.gif">
Fallout versions:
Get shot in head in Washington D.C.
Doesn't matter until hit by specific man
Get shot in head in Vegas
That shit stayed in Vegas
Ah what is life with a piece of wood in your knee…
That poor skyrim guard…
<img src="http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m158qeL5rh1qelgc6.gif"/>
"It started like all the lunches of my life.
With the death of a woman."
Le arrow in le knee XDDDD
No seriously. Stop. Arrow in the knee jokes are up there with "The Cake is a lie" and "Over 9000" jokes. Stop it. Just stop.
Take lava to face.
Only faint.
"Hey! We can't all be main characters, you know!"
Say it in his voice.
Get arm cut off and nearly die of blood loss trying to do the right thing
<img src="http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x52/Legends4/Gene/Godhandwanted-2.jpg">
Get a new arm and humiliatingly kill every demon that comes across his path and then punch Satan back into Hell
For the record if anyone gets the joke, I will love you forever.
How about Roy Mustang from Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood? He gets what would normally be a lethal torso injury, burns it shut and nearly passes out from the pain, and is still able to curbstomp Lust.
*Takes a sword to the chest, multiple times*
"Does it look like I give a fuck?"
<img src="http://news.tgn.tv/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Dante_4.png" height="300" width="250">
Gets all his limbs hacked off and replaced after being mutilated and shot in the head by a dangerous mercenary.
<img src="http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb58374/deusex/en/images/8/8e/Jensen_augs_noshades.jpg" width="600">
Still kills everyone with refrigerators.
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/MUkAf.jpg">
Ok, one father is also kinda abusive, but at least the kid had Auron (and money). The other was sent to a friggin' orphanage.
Technically, Max DID give up on life. He just didn't give up on shooting everyone.
It's those Painkillers….they're fucking magic.
Gets shot in the head, takes over the Mojave Desert.
Well, of course, the guard was shot in something he uses.
<img src="http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120617041307/plantsvszombies/images/3/3a/Xenoblade-chronicles_shulk.jpg">
Live twelve more years and kill the guy responsible.
…Shut up, I also have the right of referencing semi-obscure games.