Clothing only slows him down! Ha HA! Dangley parts!
By Rebbacus, submitted by Psycroc
Posted by Shawn Handyside on August 20, 2012 · 1:53 PM |
Categories: Adult Situations, Awkward Moments, Bad Ideas, Balls of Steel, Cock Joke, Explosives, Fashion Faux Pas, PC, Playstation, Team Fortress 2, Valve Software, Video Clips, Weird, Xbox 360 · Leave a comment () 193 Comments |
Now whenever the Soldier yells, "Get on the point maggots!" a new level of fear arises within me.
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I'm rather certain this was a real tactic used by a general at some point, but I forget who.
Also if I remember correctly, the tactic WORKED.
Already someone made the video about censored word in meet the soldier ;_; At least he did it good. :D
At least he's being a civil person and left his hat on.
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He doesn't have clothes because the robots stole his very American job(s).
Let me see what's on Halolz today…
um….so….which way is the exit again?
In b4 takedown.
Is this…legal?
If God had wanted you to be clothed, he would not have created me!
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because nobody lieks mudkipz
[youtube fLiW1Bqgd_4&feature=related rel="nofollow"> youtube]
You know, between this, the current submission, his whip, a certain sailor moon submission, and a certain TF2 video we got in the week of the Uber update… It's pretty clear to me that Soldier is the most sexual of all the classes in Halolz canon.
Stupid sexy Soldier.
You could say he is going commando…
Now if it had been the Spy, I would have said he did it to get a bonus to his sneak rolls. Gold star if you get the reference.
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Naked soldier… Hrrnnggggggg… splooosh
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[youtube sSrUVRLWIio rel="nofollow"> youtube]
There are alot of things that I can live with….this isn't one of them.
Today's post is rated Nc-17 for OH GOD MY EYES!!!!!!
It's official I'm desensitized to stuff like this. What has the internet done to me?
so wait a minute what will he grab when uses the equalizer taunt n-oh dear…
I think this was a fine tactical choice by RED Soldier, considering what they are up against.
It's like he's wearing…nothing at all…nothing at all…NOTHING AT ALL!
I have the strangest uber right now.
Looks like BLU was taken down by a full frontal assault!
….Im sorry guys, I seem to have lost my way to halolz, can someone please redirect me?
Ok, @#$% you, Shawn!
Now to get the eyebleach.
I've seen things.
Terrible, terrible things.
… oh
War. War never changes.
Nor does the RED Soldier.
I'm surprised this hasn't been flagged on YouTube yet.
[youtube 6AXPnH0C9UA rel="nofollow"> youtube]
Unnecessary censorship is the only acceptable kind of censorship.
Some women just want to watch the world burn
under a blanket of penises
rocket penises, to be precise
I refuse to deny Soldier is probably stronger and sexier then I'll ever be, but he'll need more than a Buff Banner to fix that tiny thing of his.
Am I the only one who expected "Suprize Buttsecks" from the BLU Spy in that one scene?