I don’t like getting my hopes up too high, but this upcoming movie by Disney may be the first movie about video games I don’t totally hate.

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Categories: Arcade, Capcom, Cray-Z Crossovers, Movies, Namco, Nintendo, Off Duty, Pac-Man, Retro, Sega, Sonic the Hedgehog, Street Fighter, Super Mario Bros, Uncategorized, Video Clips, Zombies ![]() · Leave a comment () 208 Comments ![]() |
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"First movie about video games I don't totally hate"
I believe Scott Pilgrim would like a word. (okay so it wasn't TOTALLY about videogames but the tons of references were there)
The Comic that the movie was based on made it pretty clear that their world is inextricably intertwined with video games. A bonus issue that was released tacked onto another series showed Scott taking 10 minutes picking out a soda to sneak into the theatre, and he was comparing the stat boosts they gave.
Yeah, I know that much -- as I said, I know it had tons of references and "mechanics" that work the same. But the story and plot is not entirely -ABOUT- videogames. =P
<img src="http://8.media.todaysbigthing.cvcdn.com/69/91/68217c847444d1a9800119e1137f0685.gif">
The reason they're happy is two-fold. They've found out about this movie and they can watch it right now. The lucky bastards.
now this comment will never go to the other page and it will stay in the second page for years to come to rot in the space of forgotten comments, I always wonder if anyone actually comes to the second page of the comments here : B
Wait, comments actually go onto another page if there's too many of them?
That's the first I've ever seen that happen. Also, it only stays on the second page ratings wise. If, like me, you view comments by latest activity, it will stay on the first page.
Wait a second there is an option to see comments by latest activity???
I never knew that and I have been here for 3 years already : V
Just realized: the director of this movie is Rich Moore who also did The Simpsons and Futurama.
You know this movie is going to be awesome already.
Why do I have the sneaking suspicion this is going to be a video game Toy Story? Not as in they are similar movies but they turn childhood memories into heartbreaking depression.
No, a video game Who Framed Roger Rabbit? is more like it.
Disney and videogames has been done since Kingdom Hearts. Let's all not forget that.
Holy shit! Second page of the comments! I've never been here before!
Welcome! Last time we visited here was meet the medic.
Looks nice but the only question I have is: If the game is set in an arcade then why do bowser and robotnik look like their modern selves? unless this arcade has translated Japanese Imports bowser should look like king koopa
You wanna try making pixelated bowser 3d?
I wouldn't bother. The rel="nofollow">end result ain't pretty.
Disney just won E3, mate.
they better reference kingdom hearts in this damn movie.
At first, I thought the whole movie was just going to have characters that reference famous video game characters, like how Ralph is basically Donkey Kong. Interesting, but kinda ho-hum. But then… ZOMGIT'SROBOTNICK,ZANGEIFANDBLINKEY!! I had no idea Disney would actually get the rights to real video game characters! I'm now officially excited for this movie!
John C. Reilly, Sara Silverman, Jane Lynch, Ruben Langdon, Kyle Herbert, Gerald H. Rivers, and Roger Craig Smith are voice acting, Rich Moore is directing… I think Disney has just topped Mars Attacks! in terms of an all star cast and crew.