A typical reaction on our TF2 server! Also, if there’s one thing I can’t resist posting, it’s anything using audio from the Earl of Lemongrab (Adventure Time).
By MyHelmetHazStickers, submitted by Blue Paratroopa
Posted by Shawn Handyside on May 18, 2012 · 2:31 AM |
Categories: Bad Ideas, PC, Playstation, Rage Enducing, Team Fortress 2, TV Shows, Valve Software, Video Clips, Xbox 360 · Leave a comment () 129 Comments |
Yes, I always scream in slow-motion whenever someone gets banned.
But only on Wednesdays.
Insulting the admins?
One thousand years on the banlist for all of you!
Dont even get me started on these admins from the Halolz server,they are just a bunch of clows,stuck up-
Jaden a.k.a Hakokoro has left the game(Banned)
Meanwhile, on the Ponyville Server
<img src="http://e621.net/data/f1/cd/f1cd1e06490a8adada0070a93ffa9840.jpg?1313343622 " width=400>
<img src="http://gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs/1059431_o.gif">
Sorry, I had to…
So, this. Yeah.
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/QSrnN.gif">
<img src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5344/7220099748_8cf0369b18.jpg" width="500" height="374" alt="table">
This server is in
That's an inaccurate portrayal of the server. This is better:
Player: YO EARL!
Admin: WHAT?
Player: …….(Mic spam of gross childhood raping fan fiction)
(Player has been banned from the server)
Yeah. I do this.
You wanna fight about it? Have fun, cause I'm an admin, bitch.
I will be honest with you guys.
That Sniper sounded EXACTLY like Gummy.
Sounds like me.
What is this Admins?
My image of admins was always more like this:
<img src="http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/306/963/ade.gif" width="444">
reminds me of ogre marzen and me all rolled into one.
Oh, and since this is relevant, any particular reason why the Halolz servers never show up on my server list even after I've entered the IP addresses dozens of times?
It kinda suck. I really want to play wif you guys…
I didn't ban people even after they said they were going to cut off my hands and feet and make me their pony-Waifu… I am not paid enough for this! I'm not even paid! So give us a break!
Aw I was expecting scout to be banned for spam as well…
This is why I play Touhou more, because no admins.
Must create…… relevant Tart Toter…… Passage……..
Not really.
I'm usually the one with the sad things; it gets on her nerves. :)
Her wall is just full of bitchin' art and links to all the nerdy junk she wants to hoard in her basement.
I actually steal back my donations.
Makes me glad I stopped playing TF2.
Did you see the scouts nose get bigger as the video end?
Yeah I'm unoriginal I stole that from youtube.*Gets banned from Youtube for copyright*