ZubatmanHuman Torchic
Poison SnivyGreen Lanturn
Lairon ManEmma Froslass
Black AriadowChimcharley Quinn
JokerliaSkitty Pride
Wonder Woobat

There’s a new breed of hero in town! But they’re all from different egg types!
By Binsbilyas

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Posted by Shawn Handyside on May 16, 2012 · 9:15 PM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (268 votes, average: 4.74 out of 5)
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Animated, Artistic, Disguises, Nintendo, Pokémon, Superheroes/Supervillains

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92 Responses to “Superhero Pokémon”

  1. DiamyoAlex on May 16th, 2012 9:19 pm

    Zubatman: He's the hero Union Cave needs, but not the hero it deserves.

  2. Souleater676 on May 16th, 2012 9:24 pm

    jokerelia and Wonder woobat are the only ones that scare the living hell out of me.

  3. tkscz on May 16th, 2012 9:30 pm

    Anyone else severely creepied out by elektrabuzz?

  4. Hyze on May 16th, 2012 9:33 pm

    What, no Doctor Houndoom?

  5. CFW spplmj on May 16th, 2012 9:37 pm

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/kihQ8.gif&quot; alt="" width="400" height="181" />
    gif unrelated

  6. MasterLuigi452 on May 16th, 2012 9:41 pm


  7. John_Know_Doe on May 16th, 2012 9:43 pm

    jokerlia is just so adorable.

  8. ChemicalKirby on May 16th, 2012 9:46 pm

    Zubatman isn't the hero Gotham wants, just the hero Gotham gets OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

  9. Vabolo on May 16th, 2012 9:50 pm

    Let's not forget Wooperman!

    <img src="http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/3668/woopaman.png&quot; /img>

  10. Paulrus-Keaton? on May 16th, 2012 10:00 pm

    Skitty Pride is lighting its farts.
    rel="nofollow">Huh huh huh huh…..

  11. Cloak on May 16th, 2012 10:00 pm

    Farfetch'd as Squawkeye.

  12. xlsangrelx on May 16th, 2012 10:18 pm

    Where are Venom-oth, Doctor Octillery, Magneto-n, Red Cubone (Red Skull :P), Nidokingpin, Electro-de? We need villains too!

  13. UndeadLex on May 16th, 2012 10:19 pm

    Dammit Shawn, I was going to use one of these in the next Pokemon post.
    *shakes fist*

  14. VyseRogueKing on May 16th, 2012 10:56 pm

    Every superpoke has a team of regular pokemon behind them.
    <img src="http://www.halolz.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/halolz-dot-com-pokemonblackwhite-herdier-herissionergordon.jpg&quot; height="400">
    5 to be exact.

  15. TheTaurenRogue on May 16th, 2012 11:13 pm
  16. Rexxmech on May 16th, 2012 11:16 pm

    Just imagining Larion Man flying like that just makes me lol

  17. Kn0w1d3a on May 17th, 2012 12:33 am

    Is it weird I like Black Ariadow better than Scarlet Johansson?

  18. Dr.Panda on May 17th, 2012 2:45 am
  19. Zyquux on May 17th, 2012 5:38 am

    I'll be honest, Green Lanturn looks pretty sweet.

  20. The Pualrus on May 17th, 2012 8:23 am

    According to the Pokédex, most Lairons feed on iron ore.

    My theory is that Lairon Man must feed on Gold Ore, Redstone, and Diamonds.

  21. FrEEz on May 17th, 2012 3:41 pm

    Jokerella is…horrifying D:

  22. blizzarddemon on May 17th, 2012 5:34 pm

    Always preferred Jokler. Why? Because eff you that's why. Squirtle doesn't have to make sense! :D <img src="http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/197326_1934756896589_1472317850_2142259_7863692_n.jpg"&gt;

  23. BTSnoogans on May 17th, 2012 7:17 pm

    What about VENOMoth?

    Sorry. Not artistic enough to make a picture. nor smart enough to link it here.

  24. Slope_Oak on May 17th, 2012 8:09 pm

    Wait..What Super Hero is Green Lanturn a joke on?

  25. vash_ts on May 18th, 2012 6:29 am

    ohhh…. A creeper?

  26. mewmdude77 on May 22nd, 2012 10:47 pm

    Where's Spider-Man? He could be Spider-gon (Druddigon) or maybe Spider-Gloom, or Spider-Oxys (Deoxys), or maybe Spider-mence (Salamence)!

  27. Josh on June 22nd, 2012 12:09 am

    You are now picturing Harley Quinn farting fire.

    You’re welcome.

  28. madeboost on January 6th, 2021 11:32 am

    Wow that was odd. I just wrote an very long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn’t show up. Grrrr… well, I’m not writing all that over again. Anyways, just wanted to say it's a fantastic blog you have here! Hope you can get to see mine at Tecreals and Makeoverarena


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