We can rebuild him, make him stronger… but we don’t have a lot of money.
By theangryluddite

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Categories: BioWare, Fashion Faux Pas, Mass Effect, PC, Playstation, Weird, Xbox 360 ![]() · Leave a comment () 60 Comments ![]() |
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Yet they still went over budget.
Shepard actually seems kinda happy about it all. Unlike that Jenson chap.
Well, it's better than the ending I suppose…
They almost cut as many corners rebuilding Shepard as they did when they wrote the endings.
You're better off turning the game off before the final choice and using your imagination to fill in the blanks.
That's how bad it is.
Since when did Shepard become a Gmod model?
I never asked for this double post.
I was WONDERING where all the Mass Effect lolz were. Mass Effect 2 though? *sharp intake of breath* Unexpected.
Double post? What a shame
…close enough!
I don't think anyone can take him seriously now.
"Bitch, PLEASE."
This is why you can't import every Shepherd into Mass Effect 3.
It's the game's way of saying "NO! LORD GOD NO!"
It's ok Shepard! Just like all of you feats and accomplishments, your face doesn't matter~
…ugh I've never felt this bad over a game ending before.
He needs some of those Deus Ex shades, STAT!
Shepard is forever alone.
<img src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_rYDXbf4kHyA/TD7rp8679zI/AAAAAAAABDc/CXkXMtmnK-o/s1600/toystory_371.jpg%22%20alt=%22some_text%22/">
C-C-Commander Shepard?
1.Make joke about Mass Effect 3's ending.
2. ???
3. Profit.
<img src="http://static3.fjcdn.com/comments/but+_43589b21d15823c345b9d200b64c3953.jpg">
you are going too fast for me…
I am still playing mass effect 1
wait a minute.
i thought sheppard got a sex change…
What, no Halolz watermark?
Actually we did have enough money, but we spent it on hookers and casinos.
Well at least now he can't make his other face that he loves.
<img src="http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRbDGoZ-h9K4OGUVTbAGtL0tq3Hwo21vEqheYqbc1Sekf9n8y8tVAFBd7YV">
And for that, I'm thankful.
Is… is this the part where I'm supposed to laugh?
well, there are three endings, and NONE of your previous choices affect the outcome
Not sure if imitating Fry from Futurama….
Or if he's just trying to be the Forever Alone Guy… >_>
It's Arakune! Also, I vote second on the Ragna even with my doubts that it won't show up here.
Why is Al Pacino his doctor?
That would look like a face that UberHaxorNova would have if he played ME2 :P
There once was an ugly Commander Shepard.
He was so ugly that everyone died.
The end.
My only complaint: people don't seem to notice that THE ENTIRE GAME IS THE ENDING. From the start, you're dealing with the fact that the Reapers are already at Earth. The final battle starts in the opening cinematic.
Your choices matter! AT THE MOMENT THAT YOU MAKE THEM! (Or slightly past that.) They're what get you to the end!
People are so used to the first two games, which took your choices and made them count all at the end (moreso the second game), that they're blind to the way the choices change things DURING THE COURSE OF THE THIRD GAME.
If you ever play a game looking forward to the end, you're only going to miss out on the journey there. I've been telling people this about MMOs for years, but it seems everyone else needs to start figuring that out too.