In all fairness, it could be in the top percentage of all Rattata!
By Dorkly

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Categories: Bad Ideas, Depressing, Failure, Gameboy, Irony, Nintendo, Pokémon, Rage Enducing, Retro, Secret Items, Video Clips ![]() · Leave a comment () 101 Comments ![]() |
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Well, look on the bright side. Now he has more of a chance to take on Joey.
That trainer isn't the only idiot. Catching a Mewtwo with a pokéball is easy.
Catching Mewtwo with a Hyper potion, however…
An orange covered in vaseline? How about Combustible Lemons!
Somewhat Relevant!
<img src="http://chzpokememes.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/pokmon-i-never-want-to-use-a-master-ball-again.png?w=600">
Thus proving why the Master ball, is a Master…..
I'm not the only who thinks the Dorkly videos aren't funny 90% of the time, right?
This must be the story of Joey….
Damn it Red! Explain yourself!
This is canon. Everyone wasted a Master Ball on some incredibly mook Pokemon. And we're responsible for the humiliation of an entire company. Looking back at it, it probably wasn't the smartest thing I've do-
Oh, so that's why he decided to hide in that mountain!
Metapod stole the whole show.
gotta love a good quest where your goal is to protect a precious… something… and then in return for beating everyone that was going to steal that… something… the person in charge of that… something … tells you it's the only one in the world but you can have it!
rel="nofollow">Completely Irrelevant
…but Borderlands
<img src="http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/166/896/tumblr_lqioh3VwVy1qk7mrxo1_500.gif" width="400">
<img src="http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r196/geek_marine/missingnocourage.jpg" border="0" width="400" alt="Photobucket">
Well, at least we know why Red never talks now…
With Red sounding like that, no wonder he doesn't talk.
Someday in the future, Red's gonna look back on this and cry.
I didn't know Ellis played Pokemon
Only one in existence? Ha!
Meanwhile in Hoenn's Pokemon Lottery Corner…
"Congratulations! Take this Master Ball."
Not to mention the one you find in Team Magma/Aqua's hideout.
"I am so getting fired for this."
Okay, two things.
One: You gave the Master Ball out to someone who saved the company. Everyone there owes him, and it shouldn't matter what he chooses to use it on. It's no longer your jurisdiction.
Two: You're the Silph Co. president. You are the final word in all the decisions. Who can fire you!?
I was always upset that I couldn't catch the Marowak in Pokemon Tower.
Double post. All across the comments!
Orange covered in vaseline? Wait….if pokeballs are made from apricorn which are fruit, wouldn't that actually be a good idea?
If a kid can save your corporation from an evil organization with nothing but some Pidgey and a Metapod, then he can use your million dollar investment to catch what he damn well wants.
You can call him a stupid kid all you want but the fact of the matter is he did something none of us have ever been able to do. He had 19 pidgeys and a metapod. See? He found a way around the "only carry six pokemon" restriction. Eat it, Professor Oak.
all things considered, the mewtwo in HGSS was unable to hurt you if you sent out a dark type, Tyranatar ( with that ability that summons a sandstorm) + ultra/dusk ball spam + loading your save game about 10 -- 15 times = easiest legendary ever… used master ball on Lugia.
That red is a spy!
I have my master ball right here
*rummages through bag*
Nope. Held onto it until I encountered wild eldritch abomination !#$%@%*(# and woke up later, forgetting what I'd been doing, but with Master Balls spilling out my backpack.
And all the pokemon were caught from then on.
red would never waste a masterball on a ratatatta
he would use it on a mountain
Its kinda funny since i actually did catch him for the first time using a random pokeball I had, after throwing plenty of ultra balls and great balls at the bastard to no effect, then poof last ball caught him.
Ah memories.
This isn't relevant right now, but the forums are coming back. But in a different way. We're working on it, but it's not top priority. I'm sorry, and I know that irritates a lot of you, but we've got other stuff we HAVE to do first.