Those GameShop corporations and their register shilling. You’d never get that from the fine folks at Level Up Studios!
Another animation by Appsro, submitted by spplmj

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Categories: Animated, Awkward Moments, Call of Duty, Obnoxious, Rage Enducing, Serious Business, Video Clips ![]() · Leave a comment () 60 Comments ![]() |
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I will now commit an ancient taboo.
I have hereby ruined the track record of halolz.
i'm even more of a douche then the guy in this video.
except to be fair it really isn't THAT bad in real life. I love gamestop.
I find the power up rewards cards to be great. I got an awesome zombies poster that you can't get otherwise
<img src="http://cdn.gamerant.com/wp-content/uploads/Call-of-the-Dead-Poster.jpg">
fuck yeah
So I have two questions. Is the butt rape, and the member slapping program free? Because I don't think I can pay sixty-dollars and listen to this spiel every time I do go gameshopping. Might as well get it out of the way, right lads?
And people wonder why I pirate games.
Thank you Steam and Amazon for removing the social interaction aspect from buying games.
Was anyone else half-expecting him to accept the butt-fucking? Although maybe I've been watching too much SMBC Theatre. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdqdIvgCKzA
Man with all those savings and deals, turning them down would be like taking a slap to the face.
…-sits in corner-
you can't blame them, it's not the employe, it's the corporation. what really gets me is their level of ignorance on games. i ask them a question even i don't know, and they're all hurr durr is that for xbox?
Game Shops? Barely seen 'em.
They seem to be shutting down a lot recently here. My local shopping mall had 2-3 of them a few years ago, now I can't see ANY. I still enjoyed buying games there, though I still know a few shops with insane deals (1-5€ games for sale which should be around 15-20€ or more).
Yep, I still prefer buying games non-digitally.
This is clearly fake! The employee never asked him if he would like to pre-order a game.
That reminds me of this time last year where I went to go trade in some crappy Gamecube games, and when it got to NBA Live 03, the guy told me that I would actually have to pay Gamestop for them to take it off my hands. I don't know if he was joking or not, but I have never gone back there since.
It.. it it it… it… ITS TRUE!!!!
<img src=http://i.imgur.com/GJ6m8.gif>
Ha Ha Ha. Your pre-order bonuses have no effect on Me Gamestop!
I have been blessed with the wondrous power of….. NO MONEY!!!
and then god created steam, and it was good! it vanquished the horrible gamestop and freed the more masses from the bullshit prices and the product pushing. …………………………………………….and then there was cake, and there was much rejoicing.
That's kind of like those asholes at GameStop
<img src="http://www.myextralife.com/comics/2011-09-05.jpg"/>
<img> <a href="http://;http://chzmemebase.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/internet-memes-would-you-like-to-reserve-anything-today.jpg” target=”_blank”>;http://chzmemebase.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/internet-memes-would-you-like-to-reserve-anything-today.jpg
I actually liked gamestop as I had the good fortune to deal with the few good stores or at worst the ones staffed by elderly people who know nothing about games but know how to run a register and keep stock orderly enough to check if they have something even if they can’t use the computer but I recently have found one with the annoying up-selling policy and they actually went through the entire list of cards, warranties, guides and then asked like three times if I was sure there wasn’t anything I wanted to preorder.
Never sold games to them tho as I feel the prices they offer are a slap in the face when you can see what they turn around and resell the games for.