I hope you ladies like hats… ’cause there’s a gift inside and it’s wearing one!
Submitted by Andrew T.

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Categories: Cock Joke, In My Pants, It's A Trap!, PC, Playstation, Secret Items, Strike A Pose, Team Fortress 2, TV Shows, Valve Software, Xbox 360 ![]() · Leave a comment () 103 Comments ![]() |
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Look, you open the crate, you look at the gift, whattya see? It's clean, it's pristine, it's a loving machine! NO UDDA CLASS GONNA DO 'DAT!
Ooooh! I hope it's a hat!
Wow, Scout really is a dick sometimes.
"HAT" BETTER NOT BE SLANG FOR CONDOM!!! http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&am…
Assuming she's willing to spend $2.50.
Whats really in the box?
A. A wedding ring
B. Level 2 sentry
C. A spy
D.A sandvich
"I've got such a frickin' tiny little head!"
"You're gonna love my nuts!"
Scout, I know you want an unusual, but you can't trick a lady with buying you a key like THAT.
"A penis? Already have one"
It's a trap?
And if you're lucky it might even be unusual!
There are two bats in this picture.
One's a Sandman.
It's my BONK in a box
(my BONK in a box…)
Sweet! I got an Unusual… WHAT IN FALCON'S NAME IS THIS?!
$2.50 to see the mighty serpent!
C'mon guys, that's a bargain!
Valve's prototype chastity belt, for those gamers who happen to be attractive XD
To all the fellas out there with ladies to impress (or you really don't know what the reference is)…
rel="nofollow">Step one:
<img src="http://verydemotivational.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/demotivational-posters-i-have.jpg">
…and so does Scout.
Pyro's possible responses:
Sets it on fire.
Uses a Hadoken on it.
Takes a Homewrecker/Axe to it
Well, I could go on, but let's see what everyone else has to say about it.
My Halloween costume last year was something similar, but I was in a FedEx uniform, and I was getting paid $100 an hour.
""Hey baby, want to see my spawnpoint?"
Sorry, because of that little mishap with the previous submission, I'm all out of fish schtick…
…Oh! And, just like that, I'm back in!
<img src="http://images.wikia.com/drhorrible/images/5/50/Captain_Hammer.jpg" img="">
By the way, the box is my penis.
Open it quick, or that box is gonna be full of Strange Jarate
Oh, also, before I forget…
Can't let you open that, locked box!
<img src="http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS5GTVUnGvdh3GZFboX_mZKs74lGiRIysukY8PbtQ4It5MNdsv5tw">
Penis is SPY!!
Need a baby dispenser here!!
That's one hell of a chastity belt.
Looks like someone will recieve the gift that keeps on giving for a solid $2.50… And it seems like Scout knows how to drive a hard bargain.
Every one already knew those boxes had dick all in them.
I opened the box, I was expecting a Strange Force-A-Nature, but all i got was a Shortstop