UGH, is that how that works? Nasty. Anyway that’s the second angriest Link I’ve ever seen!
From Supafine, submitted by James D.

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Categories: Artistic, Disturbing, Health & Fitness, Nintendo, No Caption Needed, Power-Ups, Sequential Art, Stabbey Stabbey, Swordplay, The Legend of Zelda, Weird ![]() · Leave a comment () 98 Comments ![]() |
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A lot of heart went into the comic.
I can tell that this guy has guts.
Maybe link should have a little heart to heart with queen gohma.
Tip your waitresses! I'll be here all night!
And you thought Captain Falcon was manly…
Link sure has brown gloves.
I don't always kill giant monsters, but when I do, I take their hearts for myself.
also because it is mandatory in situations like these..
Looks like Link,
has a lot of heart.
In other news, at least we now no why he doesn't talk, he has no lungs.
Because if there's one thing women love it's
rel="nofollow">a vascular man.
Because if there's one thing women love it's rel="nofollow">a vascular man.
Wow. Doesn’t he start with three?
He should probably begin to look into obtaining at least one organ that is NOT a heart. Maybe some lungs to begin with? Breathing is nice.
Link with a beard?
Only a matter of time until somebody posts the obligatory Chris Redfield…
<img src=http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h416/kitsuneronin/chrisredfield.jpg>
Oh, did Link just watch Conan the Barbarian?
<img src="http://hejibits.com/comics/2011-10-03-heartless-horticulture.png">
Panel 4 sure looks familiar…
<img src="http://beautifullyabsurd.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/mola-ram1.jpg" img>
It must be really inconvenient having to sow his chest back together after every boss fight.
Wow. Ripping you're opponent's guts as a trophy for you the keep in your pocket? That seems a bit…
Something that's confusing me is how this would work with the next boss…
A self-performed heart surgery procedure with King Dodongo's heart would be quite an interesting sight…
Aren't the hearts supposed to be in containers?
Hey more organs means more healthy. Look at our buddy Zim here.
<img src="http://farm1.static.flickr.com/9/15706465_f936635cc6.jpg" height="240">
If that's how Link gets his hearts, i'd hate to see how he gets more magic.
It seems like he gets his hearts the same way Chuck Norris gets his dinner.
Artist is the fine gentlemen over at Supafine: http://www.supafine.com/comics/classic.php?comicI…
So….. Link learned heart surgery from the Medic then? No wonder he's missing half his ribs…..
Also, Related
I'd hate to see how Link combines Heart Pieces.
The legend says that Links Heart Capacity grew by one that day,and as he stood with his manly hero feet sopping wet in the pathetic remnants of his fallen foe, he felt something new. A kind warmth in his chest, a (I'm so sorry) TINGLE.
Link is a Boss.
Link doesn't need to talk.
People understand him just by being near him.
Link doesn't need fancy ass containers for hearts.
He just rips his chest open and shoves it in there next to the others.
Link doesn't need the Master Sword to kill Ganon.
He can just bombard him with Deku Nuts. Documented Fact
I find this disheartening.
Panel four.. Those eyes.. I'm pretty sure his eyes should not be in those positions.
So this is, what, the twentyeth time the internet has destroyed my childhood? Come on web! This is getting predictable, try something new!
Thank god I don't have to draw awkward parallels now that hearts replenish themselves in Minecraft ≥1.8 given enough food.
Giant man-eating monster kicking my ass? Come on bro, have a heart!
*kills it* Oh, you do!
"And who do you think you are
Running 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts"
Oh Link, you're all heart, aren't you?
Little did he know that right outside the beast's lair waited a crazed German scientist who shouted:
"Come over here! I promise I will heal you!"
and suddenly, Xemnas.
Xemnas: "Could you spare…a heart?"
*Link tears out one of his own*
Xemnas: …..
and i thought link was heartless
After playing The Binding of Isaac, this stuff barely makes me flinch now.
I'm sure there's a Paparoach reference in here somewhere.
We see here the link has evolved to no longer need any organs in its torso but a collection of hearts.
Kano’s Fatality: you’re doing it…. right?
<img src="http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r196/geek_marine/linkready.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket">
What happens when link loses a heart? Does the enemy do the same to him? Or does he have a heart attack?