The epic battle wages on between RED Team and BLU Team. Also apparently YELLOW, WHITE and PURPLE Teams as well!
By Elisa Leelee Scaldaferri [The Escapist], submitted by therandombear

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Categories: Artistic, Cray-Z Crossovers, Cutesy Wutesy, Disguises, Nintendo, No Caption Needed, Pikmin, Team Fortress 2, Valve Software ![]() · Leave a comment () 52 Comments ![]() |
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Erectin' the S.S. Dolphin
It will sure be hard to PIKI a class!
A PIKIMINIGUN is always useful for these situations!
Captain Omilar as The Announcer?
Why has this not been done before?
I really feel like a white pikmin shouldn't be the Medic…
Announcer? The Ship. Saxton Hale? The President. Redmond Mann and Blutarch Mann? Olimar and Louie. Headless Horsemann? Waterwraith.
Level 4 Sentry?
<img src="http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100809105729/pikmin/images/thumb/2/20/MaL_CM.jpg/270px-MaL_CM.jpg">
Mamuta Johnson, we're done here.
If fighting is sure to result in rebuilding the spaceship!, then you must fight! Olimar said that, and I'd say he knows a little bit more about fighting than you do, pal, because he invented it, and then he perfected it so that no planet could keep him within its atmosphere.
Then, he used his fight pokos to buy two of every pikmin on the planet, and he herded them onto his spaceship… and then he beat the crap out of every single one.
And from that day forward any time a bunch of pikmin are together in one place it's called an 'onion!'
Unless its a candypop bud!
Scout is clearly a Spy. Yellow Pikmin can't have a purple flower, it should be white.
You know, since Pikmin fight to the death, there would be no need for supporting roles. Therefore, none of this madness would be felt despite their sheer numbers.
Sweet, our first screenshot of Pikmin 3! … oh wait…
Kinda makes the moat in 2Fort look a little more dangerous…unless you're Spy or Demo, of course!
Wait, the poison Pikmin is the medic? That makes sense…
Hey, I didn't know Steve was a sniper, a engineer and a pyro before he met Chugga.
seems relevant
^link to download Team fortress arcade
(assuming you didn't download this yet)
Just when you think there are no more cross overs, YOU ARE WRONG!
30 heavies I pulled out of the ground…all firing in unison….ggggghhhhhyyeeaahhh!
DemoPikman is credit to team!
Nobody expects the yellow team!
Now everybody's going to be asking what color the Pyro is.
Being a pikman is a good job, mate. Plenty of outdoors, and i'm sure you won't go hungry. Because at the end at the day, that Olimar guy is going to want some-one dead.
Olimar as the Announcer or vice-versa…..
Deploy the Uber my white Pikmin!
*Ubers entire army, everyone gets poisoned*
Am I the only one disturbed that a flammable insect is smoking?
Does it take 5 Players to carry the Intelligence and 10 Players to Push the Cart?
Why does Medic Pikmin have buck teeth?
(once you see it…)
Whites are the fastest Pikmin,Scout should be white.
…This is still awesome, though.
<img src="http://images.wikia.com/pikmin/images/1/1c/Thumb_pikmin_ghosts.jpg" width="300" height="350" /img>
And that's how the White Medic lost his medical license.
Which class should I Pik?
Whoa! Another TF2 reference! Sweet! How original! Ok I'm done being a smart ass, continue with your lolz.
This makes getting the Doomsday Apparatus even more terrifying for the local wildlife