I don’t know why 1st gen starter Pokemon would be into steampunk clothing when they’re normally naked… but I can’t resist posting such a gentlemanly Squirtle!
By dreamwatcher7

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Categories: Artistic, Cutesy Wutesy, Fashion Faux Pas, Gentlemen, Nintendo, No Caption Needed, Pokémon, Retro ![]() · Leave a comment () 75 Comments ![]() |
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Where's bulbasaur?
I demand a refund. My #001 has turned into a #025.
I want to be the very best
like no one ever was
To sail the skies is my real test,
fighting pirates is my cause
I ought to get every single one there exist, Gentlemon!
<img src="http://i1188.photobucket.com/albums/z411/fmarulz/gentelmon.png" border="0" alt="Photobucket">
Looks like they have acquired some gear.
Do they need to give Pokemon special outfits to make people care anymore? You might say this series is
*puts on mechanic's goggles*
… running out of steam.
I'm not a fan of steampunk… so here is something different
<img src="http://i53.tinypic.com/j64b39.gif" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">
Here, use this to catch your first Steampunk Pokemon over there in the tall grass. But be careful, this thing weighs about 12 pounds. I made it from some heavy parts from the scrapyard. Don't want to hurt the thing, do you?
<img src=http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lpq1mxKWwr1r0kr7vo1_500.jpg></img
That Engimander is erectin' a Sentret.
<img src="http://i56.tinypic.com/119nhbp.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">
The one thing I love about Steampunk (and this goes for Anime as well) is how everyone always wears goggles, but never on their eyes.
Obviously, when the era of Steam Punkémon had arrived, bulbasaur was outclassed by the other first generation starters (Pokémon Yellow still counts, bitches!), as Squirtle could provide water to be turned into steam, Charmander could provide a reliable heat source for said water, and Pikachu could power vacuum tube and tesla coils.
Sadly, urbanization and the advancement of technology had its victims, and one of them was our dear Seed Pokémon. Let us not forget the nutritionous food items it provides by working in the fields, however, as "farmers feed cities", as it is often said.
Pikachu: Charmander, get over here and test my latest invention!
Charmander: Why do yer always make me test yor crazy new fings?
Pikachu: So I can keep them from destroying the city, obviously.
Squirtle: I say! *monocle falls off*
I want to hug the FUCK out of that Charmander.
But then wouldn't the charmanders and squirtles be put into slavery, being forced to produce steam by creating fires and putting them out, while the pikachus are killed and shunned because of their new and intimidating electricity?
This made me think of Maplestory.
I wish I had something better to be reminded of XD
<img src="http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/323/d/9/forever_alone_by_rootfortheunderdog-d336np7.jpg"/>
I always wonder why they all have goggles. all they all working class or some thing? is everyone a mechanic? do the goggles do any thing?
At least they're not hipster pokemon. Then I'd have to kill them all rather than the desired catching of them all. And none of this fainting crap either! I'm sorry Pikachu but if you talk about that band that I've clearly never heard of again and have the gall to tell me that I've "probably never heard of them" then I'll drop you in the F**king bathtub!
Each Pokemon will have different outfits you can collect. Specifically, for each you can collect 151 outfits… err, sorry, make that 251. That must be it… oh, wait, my bad, it's 386. 386 outfits per Poke- wait… wait, now it's 493. This is weird. But yes, 493, I am sure of it, there are… 649… ok, you know what, I give up. They have a lot.
My only complaint is that Charmander is orange not red. Charmeleon is red.
Someone make a steampunk Scizor or Metagross and the pokemon-related part of my life will be complete.