Maybe it would be better if this crossover went the other way?
My Little Medic: Ubers are Magic?
By anonymous, submitted by PewnyPL

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Categories: Cutesy Wutesy, Health & Fitness, My Little Pony, PC, Playstation, Sequential Art, Team Fortress 2, TV Shows, Valve Software, Xbox 360 ![]() · Leave a comment () 138 Comments ![]() |
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I'll love and tolerate the shit outta you later, I'm busy right now with mad magic/science.
Sonic Rainuber?
<img src="http://cache.blippitt.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Darth-Vader-No.jpg">
Flutterspy, Applemedies, and Rainbow Splat? amidoingitrite? Okay that was terrible even for me.
Why does this exist my brain hurts.
I agree with Shawn on this one. Having it this crossover the other way around would make it 20% cooler
Don't let Valve see this. We might just end up with MLP hats…
<img src=http://cdn0.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/097/496/original/1297052733867.gif?1297056623>
I'm still trying to figure out what Rainbow Dash is supposed to be.
Anyway, are all the BLU soldiers going to be Derpy Hooves?
Medic you souless bastard…
Fluttershy offered her love and you simply said "Later"?
Gentlecolts, grab your rakes.
We are going to hunt that Medic down…
Hoo boy the Fluttershy fanbronies are gonna be pissed at Medic.
Theirs always time to love Fluttershy. Always. Even when theirs those damned Sprites about.
One word.
It's now canon: the Medigun is powered by concentrated friendship.
am I the only one still completely neutral on the subject of ponies?
<img src="http://mimg.ugo.com/201008/54225/cuts/neutrals_288x288.jpg">
all I can say is my gut says maybe…
Yes, Shawn, the crossover in reverse IS better, as rel="nofollow">this gem that MasterLuigi452 posted in the forums.
Don't be such a baby. Friendship grows back!
Someone -1'd everyone… let me just fix that.
Judging by all the 0'd comments, there's a -1 troll among us or a pony/TF2 hater. I will attempt to rectify this.
Haters gonna hate.
I'm probably never going to watch my little pony, but all i need to know about the show is in the parodies.
Volume discretion is advised.
I have made an astounding discovery. The head reincarnation machine is an experiment that the medic is carrying out, but not just any experiment, it's the prototype version of this!
<img src="http://www.marcosebastian.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/futurama_nixons_head.png" alt="Whoa"/>
I don't think a lot of people actually appreciate them on halolz, or maybe it's just balanced I'm not sure ^^"
Ponies strike Halolz again!
Poor Young Rainbow Dash, but I did lol at the Fluttershy head in the fridge. Oh Meet the Medic, you are SO RANDOM!
Ooh pooh, once again I arrive too late to contribute anything to the post before something else comes up and draws everyones attention away
This has gone too far. No way in hell im letting these baby-freak-men ruin team fortress.
Incoming Jettan!
This is what I get for not liking The Most Uninteresting Soldier in the World?
How come bronies don't hate this because it depicts Rainbowdash exploding?
Or did she just move really really fast and put a half exploded heart in Medics' hand?
Why am I asking so many questions in this post?
Why is this one actually amusing to me?
Do I-… Do I actually like Ponies?
Shawn added it? I'll be honest, didn't expect that.
I would be able to tolerate this.. if it were funny. It's not really. It's just interposing pictures of ponies over stills from Meet The Medic. So yeah, low-votes from me.
You're, going, to UBER ME!
Rainbow go boom. :(
Shawn… I am concerned and so is the rest of the Halolz community. MLP is a gateway drug and we don't want to see you spiraling down that rainbow connection.
<img src="http://chzbronies.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-brony-best-start-believing.jpg">
Im just going to leave this here