LittleKuriboh mixed Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged with Team Fortress 2? I CAME…
to Halolz to post this immediately!
Submitted by several people

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Categories: Anime, Best Friends 4-Eva, Card Games on Motorcycles, Cray-Z Crossovers, Strike A Pose, Team Fortress 2, Too Much Free Time, TV Shows, Valve Software, Video Clips ![]() · Leave a comment () 67 Comments ![]() |
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What? A submission that isn't portal related?
That. Was. Awesome.
Just needed a few more motorcycles and many, many more hats.
That the TF2 sounds can perfectly imitate the story of Yu-Gi-Oh either speaks for TF2 or against Yu-Gi-Oh.
Also they obviously don't duel on motorcycles which makes it about 20% lamer.
What makes me a good Pegasus?
If I were a bad Pegasus, I wouldn't be standin' here running a tourney, now would I?
One Time Wizard, one wayward Polymerization, one Baby Dragon…and KABLOOEY!
I'mma a white, creepy cyclops! They got more [CENSORED] then they got the likes of me.
SO! Come you big-haired duelists, so proud, so cock-sure, prancing about with your decks full of cards! Come and get me, I say! I'll be waitin' for ya with a handful of toon monsters! I'm a grim bloody cartoon with a unhappy bloody ending!
Oohh, they're gonna have to glue you back together…in the Shadow Realm!
Suezo is not amused…
<img src=http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090809164842/monsterrancher/images/thumb/6/63/MR1_Suezo.png/230px-MR1_Suezo.png>
I saw this last night. It's awesome.
now someone has to do a scene from naruto using only the sounds from the emotion cores of portal and portal 2
Naruto = space core
You can't find more appropriate lines for Kiba on the internet
so… much… win…
It cost 400,000 Life points to use Exodia for 12 seconds.
Awesome! But now….. can LittleKuriboh do this another 51 times?
Heavy is duelist!
I don't know what my ears hurt more from, Yugi's impression of the Heavy, or Kaiba's Scout-like scream at the end. Still epic, nonetheless.
I remember when I watched this. I immediately went to my YGOTAS-loving friend's facebook page, posted it, and told him he's now obligated to like TF2.
How is Tristan's voice supposed to give him super strength if he's got the muffled Pyro voice?
*Gamerofloz's head has exploded, please come back another time*
Exodia is kredit to team!
My sentry gives me SUPER STRENGTH!!!
im gonna be the dumbass here…who was tea?
This was at least 10x higher in quality then the original episode.
I would claim witness to that little creep touching other parts of Exodia too, but thats for The Judge to decide.
Screw the rules, I have space!
What are you attacking? Seriously, you didn't reply to anything.
Screw the rules, I caved in your skull!
Needs more hats.
I think Engineer was the camera man. Technological stuff and all that.
I thought it would be Card Games on Team Fortress on motorcycles… with hats