Dragonite was always a huge jerk whenever I battled the elite four, looks like not much has changed.
By JHALLpokemon, submitted by Austin C. and JesterJoe

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Categories: Artistic, Here There Be Dragons, Nintendo, Obnoxious, Pokémon, Rockin' Out, Sequential Art, Shocking Results, Special Attacks, Weak Points ![]() · Leave a comment () 109 Comments ![]() |
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This is why you shouldn't feed your Dratini rare candy kids.
Dragonite have a history of being jackasses. The HG/SS Champion Has a few under leveled fuckers, and they can ALL deal damage like a lvl 80. I hate Dragonite.
I wonder if Dratini and Charmander beat up on Magikarp when they we're little…
That is not a dragon. That's a flying type. We sell them too.
Heheheh, the Baby Dragon reminded me of rel="nofollow">Crapsule Monsters. The most blatant Pokemon ripoff since Digimon.
You forgot the Gary Oak.
Dragonite reminds me of Homer Simpson with less dumbass and more asshole.
We're allowed to use JHALL submissions here!? Because there are sooooooo fucking many to choose from. O_O
I'm guessing Dragonite's nature is "Ass-Hole" and it affects the growth rate of everything except his penis size.
This comic actually had a part before it, where Charizard and Gyarados were making fun of the Dragonite in its pre-evolved form (Dratini and Dragonair). Payback is a bitch.
Saw this yesterday, and was like "Eh, I'll submit it tomorrow"
<img src="http://i54.tinypic.com/2d0hwjt.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">
<img src="http://knowyourmeme.com/i/000/052/812/original/Deal_with_it_dog_gif.gif?1275684729" alt*="And Lance was like…" /img>
What was that? I'm sorry, I can't hear you over my Hydreigon.
His rage doesn't seem that threatening, since it only does 40HP of damage every time…
Dragons are only weak against OTHER DRAGONS!!!
And ice…WTF, dragonite?
u jelly?
I thought that was after abusing BrightPowder.
Yep. That's mah boy.
May have been in the comments section a while back
<img src="http://images1.memegenerator.net/ImageMacro/6776482/Did-you-previously-post-this-in-the-comments-No-credit-for-you.jpg?imageSize=Medium&generatorName=Advice-Shawn" alt="" width="360" height="360" />
This is just the third part. And if you are wondering why hemad,
<img src="http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/317/1/3/dratini_by_jhallpokemon-d32s7t1.png" width="600" height="390">
<img src="http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/318/2/4/dragonair_by_jhallpokemon-d32uckw.png" width="612" height="452">
Orange you glad I did say tomato?
Owww! My XP!
CANNOT UNSEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tepig is Scottish?
Well, if we can assume that Smugleaf, do to his personality, is British… I'd say this would make a good movie
Tepig: "they can put us in Pokeballs, but they'll never take… OUR HELD ITEMS"
*random trainer takes held item from Tepig*
Tepig: "crap"
<img src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-KLU9yOn_gec/TW3Ct5IoObI/AAAAAAAAGP0/dUB7e6Vni64/s400/rage1.png" alt="" />
(JesterJoe's face)
Funny, I don't remember Dragonite ever being so muscular. But, what do you expect from a Pokemon who's as much as an asshole as his trainer? (I would've picked Gary, but, face it, the only muscle mass is in his girth.)
It would've been more bad-ass if he lit the cigarette w/ Charizard's flame tail & THEN it went out.
Kratos in the background of halolz!? rel="nofollow"> rel="nofollow">…
Because of this I always get a smug sence of satisfaction whenever my Charzards destroys off of those Dragonites that last member of the elite 4 has (was lance, bloody hell its been a long time).
Well, Gyarados can learn Ice Beam. Now the question of who's faster?
*checks base stats*
Gyarados' base speed is 81, Dragonite's 80.
Rocks who?
This is bullshit, because I always raped the shit out of Dragonite with ICE BEAM. I think I gave half of my pokemon that move. I rarely bothered with rock attacks, but Ice Beam? That shit was useful for everything. Grass, Dragon, flying, and ground.
Thumbs up if the last panel gave you the urge to raise a Dragonite nicknamed "John McClaine" (or J.McClaine, however you can fit the letters)
I have made a horrible mistake. I received a Rayquaza through the GTS nicknamed Raquaza, and should have made mention of that earlier. I apologize for your inconvenience, and regret to inform you that you are, in fact, incorrect, but there is no negativity toward you, for the negativity is mine for forgetting to mention that it was, in fact, a nickname. +1 for catching that, by the way.
Weavile apeared! Weavile: dragonite, dragon/flying righ? Dragonite: yup, have a problem witch that? Weavile: there is something behind you. Dragonite: what is it? Weavile: ICE PAWNCH!
send sableye
dragonite check in the pokedex