Yes it’s possible to get too excited from a video game trailer.
By HarryPartridge, submitted by several people

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Categories: Animated, Artistic, Bethesda, Cock Joke, Overkill, The Legend of Zelda, Uncategorized, Video Clips, World of Warcraft ![]() · Leave a comment () 79 Comments ![]() |
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I can honestly say I did the same thing….
woah, man, dont get too excited ove- a new modding engine?!
Why is he crying yellow…
Squadalah, we're off!!!
Does anybody else think we need that "Pop Culture Refrence" shirt in the store?
I've never really gotten into Elder Scroll games. I've tried twice, but just didn't like it.
Strange that I love Minecraft though, as it is practically Oblivion meets Legos. Perhaps it's the ability to create underground bases… and destroy the environment in a visible manner… and to conduct experiments on trapped animal subjects… and set things on fire and laugh…
If you'll excuse me, I either need to boot up Minecraft or summon an intern.
There was a 'Sonichu' license plate in that diner/bar/restaurant/Moe's Family Feedbag.
I did the same exact thing, frame for frame. Skyrim <3 I can't wait to die of hunger for you!
Didn't know what to expect with this video, the guy who ended up singing, I don't know, didn't have a pleasing speaking tone? But then he sang and it was like a completely different guy!
Forgot the wild speculating part.
WILL THE OLD GUY'S VOICE BE THE FINAL BOSS?!?!?!?!?!?!???!!!!!!1!!!
I'm just really that excited that there's another game coming out that'll allow me to murder people with swords and axes.
The last time I tried that in real life they dubbed me a serial killer. Pfft, Labels.
(In all actuality, I've been following this game extremely closely. They say they're going to improve the combat, I say take my damn money.)
Oh, they just had to remind me about the CD-I Zelda games….
And I had finally gotten over that.
I can honestly say that I get the same way whenever there's a game with the slightest hint of Harley Quinn.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v338/Bishop14/059_harley_final_b_01-1.jpg">
I wish I could suddenly sing and came up with lyrics that rhymes everytime I see my favorite series getting a new game
He seems to have played minecraft at some point during that song.
i unfortunately missed out on the previous elder scrolls games, though i have a basic understanding of how they were from a friend who played them… so i'm honestly excited and hoping to buy this one.
I don't get it. This is obviously the only justifiable reaction.
And then Skyrim was delayed for half an eternity a la Duke Nukem Forever. The end. D:
That reaction at the end is so overused…
…..but it never gets old.
I'm not gonna say anything because that exact same thing that happened to him at the end of the video happened to me when I first heard about Skyrim!
i would sell my soul for it to come out today(ps the end was disturbing)
I feel jealous, to me Oblivion just isn't that fun, I'm more of a sci-fi person myself :D
Wait, wait, waitwaitwait! What was that I saw at 1:01? *squints* "Mary-Kate and Ashley Magical Mystery Mall?!" As if Playstation hadn't been in a big hole already!
Therefore, there is only one thing I can do! *stabs self repeatedly*
*ahem* I believe this about covers my opinion on this game http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSRjCr1uR…
(side note, how do I make the picture appear in the comment? Not the most tech savvy person here.)
….I'm almost curious to know what happens when he sees the Duke Nukem Forever trailer.
*Has brain bleach at the ready*
Squadala! He is off!!! But seriously, no King Harkinian???
And Ganon was right there, Link, RIGHT THERE!!! -- you could have killed him!
Anyways, great video
Magical Mystery Mall?! Truly, that was a great adventure!
Was there a joke? I must have missed it.
This was basically me, but I spent the whole day doing it.
Wow, that's the first time I've seen CDI Ganon in a while.
You CANNOT get over existed from a Elder Scroll Game some might even say from a Bethesda game
I loled so hard.
At 0:56 he sounds like Jack Black lol