Oh dear, I seem to have been assimilated by a crustationesque extraterrestrial parasite! Poor form indeed, quite right.
Artwork by ChemicalAlia, captioned by Puflwiz
Posted by Shawn Handyside on December 30, 2010 · 11:34 AM |
Categories: Artistic, Gentlemen, Half-Life, Valve Software, Zombies · Leave a comment () 46 Comments |
Quite a nightmarish image, if I do say so.
Daresay old chap, there's a cranium feeding multi-pedal extraterrestrial feeding on thy will.
Allow me to take measurements and resolve it with my edged-metal cutting bar of justice.
This is… Outstanding! I don't think you guys appreciate this. I think you guys just look at each submission as a little game to see who can get the most +1's. Please. Forget our E-peens. And take a gander at the marvel that is this glorious picture.
At first view, the hair curls looked like eyes. I have nothing else to say except
Obscenely large hand behind text reminded me of possibly my favorite episode of "King of Queens"
<img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_WzqzAVZnFBI/TRy6RKq7F4I/AAAAAAAAYPU/9Gtv_VZwaYo/s800/Fullscreen%20capture%2012302010%20115745%20AM.bmp.jpg">
Yabba? YOUR icing? I say!
Even dead and a zombie, he is probably richer then me……
Of course this is the post translation of what this possessed gentleman is saying; Evidently, his intended words without the assistance of a translator would read something like, " SCCCCRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" as he tries to inquiry on the state of his cranial health.
Um, sir? You've got something on your face. Right there.
When the enemies transform themselves into gentlemen, the lines of comrades shall blur and we shall not have a clear concept of who to lay our lengthly pieces of prying metal to.
No, no, you're perfectly fine… please don't eat me.
I do believe there is a parasitic creature on top of my head.
Pardon me sir, but it seems your hat is wearing a wi- oh, dear, sir. Your hat appears to be movi-
*drops monicle*
On a somewhat related note……
<img src="http://i417.photobucket.com/albums/pp251/Darth_Shadow_91/alienqueen.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket">
I daresay i do believe that i have a creature of parasitic stature upon my powdered wig. He thinks that thine head is his humble abode.
Gordon, be fully aware of the cranial creatures who exert a sexual motion upon thine's head.