On an unrelated note I was watching Chowder this afternoon and they made a Portal reference. Looks like my mind was blown twice today!
[via Joystiq]

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Categories: PC, Playstation, Portal, Robots, Valve Software, Video Clips, Xbox 360 ![]() · Leave a comment () 115 Comments ![]() |
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Those are some quick repairs. I guess the repairbots came as fast as they could.
>Uber repair mode
Dammit, who's screwing around with the Sands of Time?!
and I jizzed in my pants!
took valve long enough.
so will i get cake this time, or am i gonna have to throw more pieces of ya into a fire?
Chowder only made a game reference to try to get people to forget CNreal. Not very effecttive.
Also… Companion Cube at 23 seconds.
Gabe Newell at all the cake so it's going to take them another year to release it.
GLaDOS: Would you like to hear a story? A great man once told me 'SCiEnCE RuLES'.
Chell: The end is Nye!
It seems that Miss Abbie Normal's brain was perfect, after all.
Someday we'll remember this and laugh, and laugh, and laugh… oh boy.
..It's been a long ti/ime…
You know what?
I am actually, adrenalised from this trailer.
I’m ACTUALLY, Excited!
Portal 2?! The cake better be there this time…without lethal ingredients!
I think we can put our differences behind us…
for science…
you monster.
Looks like GlAdOs …
Is back …
Lol i saw that chowder too!
I loved that movie Young Frankenstein. Scared the hell out of me!
Well, Nick, sir, I would be glad to accept.
He must be maaaaad……
they had said november, how am i not surprised it was pushed back?
I think we can put our differences between us…for episode 3…you monster…
OOOOH i know what to save up for now…. a new computer to play this game! Or should I buy a bunch of cake ingredients and have a portal themed birthday everyday of the year?
I think we can put our differences behind us…
…For science.
Everyone knows damn well that the reason Portal 2 is taking another year to develop is because now they have to code it for PS3. No hate for Sony, just that thats the reason the Orange Box came out so late for them.
I remember the Portal reference made in Chowder. Still cracks me up each time that episode comes on. XD
"The cake is a lie, Mung! The cake is a lie!" -Chowder
Win. That and this sentence is all I can comment on this topic.
Wow, this looks amazing.
also, can't wait to see what Victims of Science does with this.
This trailer is a t triumph. I'm making a note here, it's a huge success. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction at this preview. This just proves that Valve does what they must, because they can for the good of all of us, except the Half-Life players-- and to them, I say that it's no use crying over every Valve mistake. Just keep on hoping till Gabe runs out of cake. Then the science will be done and youll get a new grav gun so the Half-Life fans will be satisfied.
"We're a lot alike, you and I. You tested me, I tested you. You killed me, I killed…. wait, I haven't killed you yet. Oh well, food for thought during this next test."
Is it just me, or does GLaDOS sound oddly sexy?
For some strange reason, the moving room at 0:42 that got slammed into a wall really creeped me out . O.o
As jazzed as I am that this is coming, I would really rather see Episode 3…
I would gladly take that second piece of cake. For science. I am starving, also.
All Aperture technologies remain safely operational up to 4000 degrees Kelvin.
"I think we can put our differences behind us. For Science. You monster."
Also, who else LURVES this music?