Who knew duck hunting was such serious business?
By CollegeHumor [via GoNintendo]
Posted by Shawn Handyside on June 3, 2010 · 4:42 PM |
Categories: NES, Nintendo, Off Duty, Overkill, Retro, Serious Business, Uncategorized, Video Clips, Wild Animals · Leave a comment () 168 Comments |
The Dog's in on it! I knew IT!
Steroids! DO have side effects!
Lol I get it, chili dogs because sonic is fast and he eats chili dogs… That's funny.
Yo dawg, I put a duck in your duck so you can hunt ducks while you hunt ducks.
Gun right up to the screen. Who would do that? :p
The ONLY side affect is minor explosion of heart… that's all.
You wouldn't cheat on your taxes. Don't cheat at video games.
Paid for by the Society to Obtain Nullification of Intolerable Cheating.
…and that's when I proceeded to smash the tv screen with said gun.
Was I the only one to scream "Holy shit!" at the super speed at the end? Like duckhunt in the last level with an old zapper wasn't frustrating enough
ah the drug duck what a majestic creature.
someone actually gets a kick out of -1 ing everybody here.
i fixed it… for now…..
Winners don't use drugs!
But cheaters never prosper…
I'm confused. Who wins?
"Apologize to the ducks I shot so a dog wouldn't laugh at me?"
I used to be willing to do so, now, not so much at all…
Looks like he's
*puts on shades*
Out of DUCK.
Powerthirst now comes in DUCK! It'll feel like you're on QUACK, which is like crack made of DUCKS! DUCKS ON CRACK!
There will be at least 2 or 3 times where he clearly shoots you, but you keep flying anyway.
Damn bullet proof vests..wait….those are made in duck sizes? Why not Grunt sizes??
Class One: Uses Gamefaqs for hints.
Class Two: Abuses official cheat codes.
Class Three: Uses cheap game glitches to his advantage.
Class Four: Makes Heavy use of Game Genie and other external devices.
Class Five: 1337 h4x0r!!!!
Sonic also used RD-601, then he went to rehab, and dreamcast was released.
That's even stronger than Powerthirst??
I might try that one later….
funny i thought it was more like rel="nofollow">this behind the scenes!
That dog never really was on your side….
i do believe this is the 2000th post.
I have a sudden urge to say something about Ducktails… But im not witty enough to come up with something.
hm… if his head exploded, his blood presure must have been…
over nine thousand.
Some witty C.S.I. joke…
…about Duck hunt
I would try to make a witty quack about this submission like the rest of you, but honestly I don't really give a duck.
"There will be at least two or three times where he clearly shoots you, but you keep flying anyway."