Have faith in our lord Falcon, and your prayers shall be heard!
By Phoenix525

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Categories: Best Friends 4-Eva, Church of Falcon, Cray-Z Crossovers, F-Zero, Left 4 Dead, Nintendo, PC, Secret Items, Spiritual Enlightenment, Valve Software ![]() · Leave a comment () 92 Comments ![]() |
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little does falcon know, louis is a spy for wolf!
Show me your desperate begs and prayers!
Louis -- "Peeels!"
Falcon -- "Thine prayers lack humility!"
Louis -- "… Show me yo peelz!"
Falcon -- "Hyes! Falcon peelz!"
Was this when Louis was wandering the desert with the survivors and Falcon gave
mannapeels from heaven?Falcon: Thou must sell your soul for the falcon peelz!
in before show me your moves.
Didn't know Church Of Falcon had it's own tag on Halolz! :O HYES! :D
Falcon model in G-mod? …Be careful, or you risk tearing the internet apart.
This calls for a preveiw of the Word of Falcon
In the beginning Falcon created the heaven the earth and the lolz.
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Falcon moved upon the face of the waters.
And Falcon said, Show me your moves: and the land and earth did, bringing the light from the great dark.
and with that i would like to present Phoenix525 with his entry into the Falcon Hierarchy.
And Louis said to Falcon: Need peelz here
And thy Holy One replied: I will reward you if your good at heart and show me thy moves. Hyes!
Show me your pills!
Why is the Great Falcon shrouded in darkness in this picture? He represents that which is righteous and pure in the realm of lolz, does he not? Why, then, is he depicted like so?
Unless…no…it can't be…
The One Who Denies! In Disguise! Louis, don't take those peels!
Seeing the Great Falcon so close up and with good ilumiation woudl cause intense pain and glorious agony, brain shattering in some cases, normally teh Great Falcon would not care, but seeing how Lois dying before getting the peelz would make the Great Falcon lose his time, the Great Falcon chose to let his presence be obscured enough for humans to withstand it
Can't let you receive that Louis!
*ding* 69p!
It's true! The Church finally got its own tag! :D
He receives a holy FALCON PAWNCH
"If you're ready to take control of all your ailments, ask your doctor about prescription Falconex. Side effects may include internal bleeding, muscle spasms, nausea, feeling that there is a anthropomorphic wolf watching you from somewhere, trolling, sudden fractures in the bones or tearing in muscle tissue, anxiety attacks, identity crises, believing that you are within a computer game, being captured by GLaDOS, and death. Consult your doctor immediately if you experience any of these symptoms. You should not take Falconex with alcohol, as Falcon himself will come and punch you in the freakin' head personally then take all alcoholic beverages within the vicinity. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery while taking Falconex, as vehicles and machinery have been prone to exploding near users who have taken Falconex. Do not take Falconex with prescription NSAIDs, as these have been known to increase the side effects of Falconex, and increases the chance of being hit by a stray Bullet Bill from out of fucking nowhere."
Ah, the magic of Gmod…(Last)
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"And you will know my name is the LORD as I lay my pillz upon thee!"