Ballistic Superman decided to leave BLU Team a little present.

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Posted by Shawn Handyside on June 20, 2009 · 11:53 PM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (156 votes, average: 3.83 out of 5)
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Backstab, Failure, Incoming Transmission, No Caption Needed, PC, Playstation, Stabbey Stabbey, Team Fortress 2, Valve Software, Xbox 360

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25 Responses to “GENTlEMEN”

  1. Ryan on June 21st, 2009 3:57 am

    What is a GENTIEMEN? Is it the same as gentlemen?

  2. Da Noob on June 21st, 2009 4:12 am

    i think it meant to be genteLmen also 2ND!!!

  3. Crashman on June 21st, 2009 4:14 am


  4. MrRaccoon on June 21st, 2009 4:45 am

    The fun part is, before that happened, the blu sniper was telling the red spy how bad his grammar was

  5. Le SHPAI on June 21st, 2009 4:55 am

    lowercase L, duh

  6. mckillyoface on June 21st, 2009 4:58 am

    Oh sweet Falcon! Spy learned to fly! D:

  7. Gneekman on June 21st, 2009 5:38 am

    I like how all the people who make these Gmod submissions take the time to set up the poses and such, but not to switch from the default Gmod map.
    Just sayin'.

  8. ThePinkSpartan on June 21st, 2009 5:41 am

    I think he had to cut out a a few bullet holes because his computer is so fail that it can only handle so many.

    he should've just done it with butterfly knives. That'd be scarier.

  9. FBSword on June 21st, 2009 7:18 am

    So it's GENTLEMEN with a lowercase 'l'

    I know why the spy did that…so that way the enemy would wonder what a 'Gentiemen' was long enough so he could sneak up behind them and stab them in the back!
    *insert 'dun-dun-daaaaaaa'*
    D: the horrors!

  10. FBSword on June 21st, 2009 7:18 am

    So it's GENTLEMEN with a lowercase 'l'

    I know why the spy did that…the spy spelled it that way so that the enemy would wonder what a 'Gentiemen' was long enough so he could sneak up behind them and stab them in the back!
    *insert 'dun-dun-daaaaaaa'*
    D: the horrors!

  11. Taiho on June 21st, 2009 9:11 am

    I think he should have used the sniper for a letter. I suggest the "T".

  12. patpo on June 21st, 2009 7:17 am

    Spy Sappin Mah Update, wait..was that joke used before?

  13. G1drake on June 21st, 2009 12:18 pm


  14. FormerEmperor on June 21st, 2009 3:28 pm


  15. Badonk on June 21st, 2009 3:59 pm

    Considering how many times I've been hit with jarate in the last few days i say he deserves it.

  16. Mattias on June 21st, 2009 8:46 pm

    Sturdy knife. Keeps the corpse afloat AND stuck to the wall!

  17. BlueChameleon on June 21st, 2009 10:46 pm


  18. SandvichMaster on February 11th, 2011 9:49 pm

    It's a wonder the weight of his body didn't drag him off the knife after a while, especially with the spy having to go back and get more bullets all the time.

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