This is probably the first time the Sniper would prefer a knife in the back!

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Posted by Shawn Handyside on April 10, 2009 · 10:52 AM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (216 votes, average: 4.40 out of 5)
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Adult Situations, Backstab, Disturbing, PC, Playstation, Sneak Attack, Team Fortress 2, Valve Software, Xbox 360

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16 Responses to “BACKSTABS…”

  1. Zantom on April 10th, 2009 2:56 pm

    Spah's rapin' my sniper!

  2. Hagaren on April 10th, 2009 3:07 pm

    The reaction of the sniper is priceless

  3. Teradohn on April 10th, 2009 3:16 pm

    Surprise buttsex -- it's not rape…

  4. MasqueNoMercy on April 10th, 2009 3:49 pm

    spy: "now bend over… because whether i have to take this or you give it to me willingly… im still getting it!"

  5. Leo058 on April 10th, 2009 4:12 pm

    Spies? Raping MY Sniper?

  6. DeathCubeK2112 on April 10th, 2009 4:38 pm


  7. Paul d'Arbonne on April 10th, 2009 1:31 pm

    Oh, so THIS is the spy update. Have to say, quite an interesting choice for new abilities.

  8. AuraMaster on April 14th, 2009 6:59 am

    Location confirmed. Sending supplies.

  9. Taiho on April 14th, 2009 11:32 am

    "Hold it right there, evil-doer!"
    "Who?..AUGH!! Butt-sex Man!"
    "That's right villain! It is I, Butt-sex man! Breaking down the back door of Evil with my staff of righteousness!"
    "Gyah, it BURNS!"
    "Silence criminal! Did you really think you would go unnoticed by the penetrating gaze of justice?"
    "Penetrating… gays? OW! Haven't you ever heard of lube?!"
    "It's too late now! Evil is always punished in the end!"

  10. Risperdal. on May 20th, 2009 8:16 am


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