That velociraptor’s a spy!
By Doc Ock Rokc

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Posted by Shawn Handyside on January 16, 2009 · 11:21 AM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (216 votes, average: 4.41 out of 5)
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Awkward Moments, Dinosaurs, Extreme CloseUp, Failure, Movies, PC, Playstation, Sneak Attack, Team Fortress 2, The Great Outdoors, Valve Software, Xbox 360

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22 Responses to “…CLEVER GIRL”

  1. g1drake on January 16th, 2009 4:28 pm

    the first movie was good, second one was great, the third one was…..MEH.

  2. Bangs on January 16th, 2009 4:32 pm

    PFF. i sent in one exactly like this except mine actually had a raptor in it. fail.

  3. Dalehan on January 16th, 2009 4:41 pm

    I see this thing, I go look up what Youtube bring, and lo… someone animated this scene in TF2 before XD

  4. worksforme on January 16th, 2009 6:41 pm


  5. RedSage on January 16th, 2009 7:56 pm

    Great movie makes a great spoof. Now I am imagining the spy making the raptor sneering noises.

  6. WolvenGlory on January 16th, 2009 7:57 pm

    Could've used a better font color, but still not that funny.

  7. Hack on January 16th, 2009 8:04 pm

    Not hilarious or extremely well done, but I love the JP reference.

  8. MagnumPrimers on January 16th, 2009 8:50 pm

    The JP reference deserves a 5/5

  9. MexicanJuice on January 16th, 2009 8:54 pm

    This……is better rated than mine? I love JP, but…….well, there goes any faith I had in the Internet.

  10. WolvenGlory on January 16th, 2009 9:14 pm

    The site has been vote 5 happy for a while. It'll lower eventually. :P

  11. Systemicha on January 16th, 2009 11:00 pm

    I lost faith in the internet a long time ago…but this is still one of my most favourites for awhile.

  12. RVG_Ravage on January 17th, 2009 12:28 am

    One of the coolest JP scenes.

  13. Doc ock rokc on January 17th, 2009 5:34 am

    Let me state that i made this before my New Video card…So basically at this level of detail i was pushing it.
    But otherwise its still one of my best works…T_T

  14. Runeblade on January 17th, 2009 6:38 am

    Epic win. XD

  15. fanmar on January 17th, 2009 10:54 pm

    Thats just fail for me.
    The quality is weird, the caption looks uncool and weird, and it even gets cut-off!

    And if people dont get the ref, its not funny at all.
    If you make a joke that only a certain crowd gets, then at least make it look decent.

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