Suddenly my head hurts…
Posted by Shawn Handyside on February 14, 2008 · 1:32 PM |
Categories: PC, Portal, Too Much Free Time, Valve Software, Xbox 360 · Leave a comment () 44 Comments |
Suddenly my head hurts…
Posted by Shawn Handyside on February 14, 2008 · 1:32 PM |
Categories: PC, Portal, Too Much Free Time, Valve Software, Xbox 360 · Leave a comment () 44 Comments |
44 Responses to “M.C. ESCHER IZ IN UR PORTELS”
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*brains implodes*
… I want to play this level…
da cake is lie
That’s quite awesome. Dosen’t even need text.
im not looking forward to that puzzle
I wasn’t aware they made a Portal: Super Mario Galaxy Edition.
Wow. The Minus world of Portal!
can i has cake now?
omg….my head hurts wow…
I wanna play this level lol
The cake is a lie….but pie is FOREVER!!!! mmm…pie
Mmm, nice tribute to a great piece of mindblowing art.
‘Up’ is a lie!
O.O… now if you only added a bunch of gravity-defying turrets/Chels… Other than that, this is epic.
*Mind explodes*
I really wish there was a level like that but it would be impossible.
*brain implodes and oozes out ear* (do you know how long it takes to type on this Wii!)
ACK *Head shakes violently*
Great picture, even if it did make my brain asplode.
Hey man, it’s “Crazy Stairs”!
Lolz @ GermaineTrain for commenting this with his wii.
(I’m using my Wii to comment too, jsyk)
*Sees picture*
*Important part of brain necessary for living a normal life lights on fire*
Brb, hospital.
You know, with a little effort I think the portal game engine could let you monkey around inside M.C. Escher paintings or similar architecture. Just add subjective gravity like in the Milkman Conspiracy of Psychonauts and have a truly evil level designer.
M.C. Escher, Portal, and Psychonauts in one game? Truly, that would be the best game ever.
Hummina Hummina Hummina Hummina….. My brain a splode!
That would be evil. Hmmmm…
That reminds me of that old movie called Labirynth.
@ The Silent One
The scene you’re thinking of (As well as the above picture) was inspired by an M.C. Escher painting.
“you get cake after finishing this level, we’re serious this time….”
teh caek is a lai.
LFG? The very angry sword owns.
anyway, the voice promised there would be cake… stupid companion cube
Non-linearity. DO NOT WANT.
teehee. Labryinth anyone?
*sees an energy orb port* wait, where does the energy orb come from? o.o zomg unsolvable level
“This next test is impossible, do not attempt to solve it, for you can not”
and yes, M.C. Escher, Portal, and Psychonauts in one game would win the internetz and the worldz.
Ha i am imune to ur head explodyness, for my head already blew-up with portal challenges. But now…*dramatic camera close up* I’m thinking with portals
Hmm… I don’t remember test level destruc- I mean, -1, being open to observers.
The cake is a pie….
*looks closer* Hmm….
This is actually a map, which is tilted sideways, you see that turret up there? It’s impossible for it to stand sideways…
I’m guessing the original map looked like this:
But still…that looks alot like the painting, awesome job
How are you supposed to knock the turrets over?!?
Its like if Portal tuned all Non-Euclidean….and if Cthulhu was there…with some pie. Made of souls…SOUL-PIE!…and if Gordon Freeman talked for once…Then it would be a reversed world!
Oh and to FrEEz,Of course the turret wouldn’t stand like that in reality but this is an M.C. Escher-esque painting. Of course the turret would be like that….It only makes sense
Awesome. What ‘portal’ you talking about?
**(enters level and looks around)** oh dear god *brains implodes*
It’s not THAT hard.
You just shoot up/down, then left/up/forward, then jump 3 times, then spin around 276 degrees, then grab the handgun, then shoot yourself.
I look at this picture, as well as the original Relativity, and see nothing wrong. That's just how that particular object ought to be.
On another note, This is my dream level. A subjective gravity portal game would complete my existence! Beautiful work, whoever made this.
i wuld love to play this lvl…