Now I stop feeding hooman


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Posted by Shawn Handyside on January 31, 2008 · 4:12 PM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (122 votes, average: 4.61 out of 5)
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Electronic Arts, Irony, LOLCATS, Maxis, PC, SimCity/The Sims

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17 Responses to “Now I stop feeding hooman”

  1. Personae Non Gratae on January 31st, 2008 5:03 pm

    I, for one, welcome our new furry overlords.

  2. SPAZTICK WOLF on January 31st, 2008 5:37 pm

    cat gods? hell yea!!!

  3. Dan on January 31st, 2008 5:49 pm

    Funny, unlike the last lolcat for sure. Thumbs up!

  4. GermaineTrain on January 31st, 2008 7:29 pm

    im in ur howz not feedin ur hoomanz

  5. lolhax on January 31st, 2008 9:01 pm


  6. Boreas on January 31st, 2008 10:13 pm

    Oh my god… A cat at the wheel of the universe = Instant lulz

  7. rikumelenium on January 31st, 2008 11:14 pm

    reminds me of unplayable allies in the old RTS Submarine Titans (LOVE the game .> needz betar AI plx

  8. killercartoons on February 1st, 2008 10:30 am

    if this cat plays anything like i do, he’ll remove the doors next, followed by beds and toilets….
    man im an angry god!

  9. S on February 1st, 2008 2:19 pm


  10. BulletproofMoon on February 2nd, 2008 2:01 pm

    if this is the way you want to play it, fine.
    I’ll get Sims 2 pets and place your lovely cat bed next to a cozy fireplace and many flammable indoor plants.
    PETA eat your haert out!

  11. Drop on February 4th, 2008 10:18 am

    What’s next? Human toys? Human pet food O.O

  12. Drop on February 4th, 2008 10:18 am

    What’s next? Human toys? Human pet food O.O

  13. Drop on February 4th, 2008 10:18 am

    Argh internet froze, sorry for the double post

  14. POW3RUP on February 4th, 2008 4:09 pm

    It needs a villain on it’s laps.

  15. FALCON PUNCH! on May 9th, 2009 2:04 am

    im on ur computer not feeding ur hooman

  16. MAH PILLZ! on June 19th, 2009 7:34 am

    mew mew mew mew mew (NO FOOD FOR U)

  17. vov on July 12th, 2009 9:05 pm

    OMG I'm so tired of seeing the work "hooman" srsly. tho i'll admit this is probably the only funny lolcatz I've ever seen.

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