Tim Russell thinks it’s morphin’ time!

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Categories: Anime, Bungie, Halo, Microsoft, Photo Op, Superheroes/Supervillains, TV Shows, Xbox 360 ![]() · Leave a comment () 46 Comments ![]() |
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wahey my pic finally got on
thanks to Kalhio, Killamagig, CapturedH, Plyr Reeves and heroicrendevous for this funny picture
P.S im the gold one : )
(obviously the best)
It makes me miss the good old days *sigh*
THEY’RE DOING IT WRONG!!! The white ranger and the green ranger are the same person in different stages of his membership, they never existed at the same time. And it’s missing the black ranger. Wait… why do i know this stuff? I’m such a n00b…=(
Go Go Power Rangers!
I can’t believe I still remember the entire song XD
oh god! Memories of childhood flooding back!
LOL… *facepalm here* too
lol im the green one in this photo. tim russel is the gold one. so we’re the same person? im confused >.>
*tim russel is the white ranger
me = fail
YAY go me im the pink rsnger :)
He means the white and green rangers were both Tommy in the show. You’re missing a black one also.
This looks totally planned, but so totally awesome!!
At The Unsung Bard:
You made my Fail-o-scope go off the charts and break.
It has a Fail Resistance of up to 9KiloFails.
wait, since when did the power rangers use werapons of mass destruction? or weapons at all? what happened to space kung-fu? where are the giant mechs!?!?
apparently im the only one who doesn’t like it.
no no, just most of the people who dont like it arent commenting, because flaming is wrong and kills puppies. ‘^’
ah, of course. well, dogs are overpopulated anyways. xD
Wow…I’m a little upset…I had the same idea..just not enough people to do it! Love it though! five stars!
Whitw ranger ’bout to get PWNT!
Look at the keyboard; they’re close together.
i did try making a giant robot… lol
it had wartogs for legs, but i couldnt get the tank body to stay on. how the hell i planned to do the arms i dont know :P
the fact that the pink ranger kept driving mongooses into it didnt help much either… lol
Wheres the black ranger. D:
Epic win
You could turn this into a webseries, like RVB! I might get to it first, though…
Go go halo rangers…!
hehe anyone else remember the most recent PSA made by RvB?
that japanesse part was hilarious xD this reminds me of it
they should transformer into megasorg!!!!
So THAT’S where Scarabs come from.
HAHA awsome im the blue one :)
we might make a series of this, if we can get a camcorder and figure out how
It’s Mighty Moshin’ time!
Sorry, I just had to :P
The black one’s there… see on top of rock.
The reference makes me ashamed that I never watched this show.
nooo metalgearask… thats the red one…
r u colorblind?
nooo metalgearask… thats the red one…
r u colorblind?
oops… sorry for the double post
That’s the red ranger on top!
they have guns?
Epic fail. This pic rolled a 1.
Pink rangers hawt xD LOL j/k
Blue Ranger pwns
Seriously, this could be a webseries. Just plug in a video camera and record your playbacks.
Bwa ha ha ha! You will never defeat me: The eeeeevil… LEEEEEROY JENKINS!
Why is this under anime?
Because this is so epic it should be everywhere.
Defiantly guys make a RVB kind of series