Hey everyone! I was hoping to update the sidebar of the site more often with news, but with all the insanity in my life recently it’s been hard enough keeping up with the regular blog posts!

So yeah, we’ve been getting a ton of submissions! Thanks to everyone who has sent something in, and our apologies if it takes us a few days before we even get a chance to look at them. We’ve been trying to post four or five on weekdays and two on weekend days, but of course we have our busy days.

As for the site design, there are a lot of problems (which is why we still consider this “beta”), but we have been really happy with the sites functionality and hopefully in the next month I will have a lot of free time to put into a site redesign. The way the site has been going so far I’m definitely willing to invest more personal time into it.

Speaking of which, my personal life is getting a bit insane (more info will be up on the Staccato blog), but one of the biggest things is that I have to leave my current job. Now I never plan on asking people for donations, but what I will ask is that if you like the site and would like to help support it, consider picking up one of our awesome t-shirts on Ninja-Bot. We have three new designs that just went up for presale, and as a bonus any shirt purchased during the presale period is 15% off. So yeah, if you’d like to help the site that’s an excellent way to do it!

Thanks, and keep those submissions coming!

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Posted by Shawn Handyside on November 9, 2007 · 10:46 AM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (20 votes, average: 3.85 out of 5)
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Merchandise, News

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2 Responses to “[NEWS] Site News 2007-11-09”

  1. Alc Fluteo on November 12th, 2007 1:36 pm

    I haven’t found any real big problems other than I have to manually put in the address to go to page 7 on the October submissions because it won’t load anything past halfway on page 6.

    I’ve tried it on several different computers and it’s always the same so I’m not sure what the problem is. Other than that, keep up the good work!

    I enjoy coming to this site and loling, it makes my day worthwild.

  2. phil (ricardo) on January 30th, 2008 9:36 pm


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